100 Endgames You Must Know: Vital Lessons for Every Chess Player Improved and Expanded

100 Endgames You Must Know: Vital Lessons for Every Chess Player Improved and Expanded

Matematika Gambarlah grafik fungsi kuadrat f (x) = x²+6x+9

tolong banget kak​

Gambarlah grafik fungsi kuadrat f (x) = x²+6x+9

tolong banget kak​

FUngsi Kuadrat

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

grafik dari
f(x) =  x² + 6x + 9

i. titik potong sumbu y , x = 0
f(0) =  9 --> A(0,9)

ii. titik potong sumbu x , y = 0
f(x) = 0
x² + 6x +  9 =0
( x +  3)² =0
x = - 3   -->  B(-3,0)

iii. titik  puncak ( xp, yp)
xp = - b/2a
xp = - (-6)/ (2)(1)
xp = - 6/2
xp = - 3

yp=  f(xp)
yp = f(-3)
yp = (-3)² + 6(-3) + 9
yp =  9 - 18 + 9
yp = 0
P(xp,yp) = (-3,0)

iv.  titik  lainnya , misal x= -4
f(-4)= (-4)² + 6(-4) + 9
f(-4) = 16 -24 +9
f(-4) = 1
titik C (-4, 1)

grafik lihat gambar
